Spring 2019 – ME Student Access Machine Shop Safety Orientation Training Schedule
Registration begins 8:30 AM on Tuesday, January 22, 2019 in 1166 Etcheverry Hall
Safety orientations will be offered from January 30, 2019 through March 22, 2019.
The Mechanical Engineering Student Access Machine Shop is available for students who will be working on projects and research related to our academic mission. First scheduling priority will be given to our supported undergraduate courses.
If any student has not received the safety orientation training and needs to use the Mechanical Engineering Student Access Machine Shop this semester, they need to go through our safety orientation training in the early part of the semester. Students who have already been trained in the Mechanical Engineering Student Access Machine Shop prior to this semester are not required to go through the training again. Training in another shop or location does not qualify the individual to work in the ME Student Shop.
Prospective users will need to visit the shop in 1166 Etcheverry Hall to schedule their orientation in person. Sign-ups will begin on Tuesday 1/22/2019.
Shop hours for sign-ups are 8:30-11:30 and 1:00- 4:00.
It is recommended that interested students sign up early. Training is on a first come-first served basis and the staff cannot guarantee a slot in the schedule for students who do not sign up early. Instructional classes approved for training and shop access are as follows:
ME102B, ME103, ME110, ME130, ME135/235 and (BioE192-fall only)
The safety orientation training is for education and safety purposes and consists of five hours of in shop instruction/hands-on learning while covering safe work practices and machine tool competency. The five hours of safety orientation will be conducted within an eight hour work day.
The actual safety orientation training will occur during the period from Wednesday 1/30/2019 through Friday March 3/22/2019 and all safety orientations must be completed by Friday March 22 2019
**Please print out and read the Functional Abilities Statement of Understanding form, and send back your completed form to meshops-me@berkeley.edu
ME/NE/CEE Research Groups
The supported research group PI will need to submit a completed IOC form to cover the ME Student Access Machine Shop’s bi-annual Research Users Fee ($250 per person) along with their list of candidates wishing to participate in the safety orientation (please maximum of five per group) to meshops-me@berkeley.edu
MEng Capstone Courses
In an attempt to expand our support to meet the needs of the MEng Capstones; Mechanical Engineering Faculty sponsors please send an email to Scott McCormick at mccormick@berkeley.edu to discuss possible Student Shop access. We will make an attempt to accommodate requests dependent on the shop’s training workload demands for the semester.
Mechanical Engineering affiliated Student Teams/Clubs
Please sent a one page description to Scott outlining your team’s mission and expected shop use needs. Student Teams accepted will be contacted about safety orientation scheduling.
Questions or concerns? Please contact Scott McCormick at mccormick@berkeley.edu
Best regards,
R&D Engineering Manager
Technical & Instructional Support Group
University of California, Berkeley
Mechanical Engineering
1166 Etcheverry Hall
Berkeley, California 94720-1740
510 642 3314
CELL 510 599 4293