10.2.1 Graduate Student Instructor Appointments
GSIs are appointed to various courses based upon class enrollment. Appointments which are made at the 25%-50% time (10-20 hours per week) will pay your University Registration Fee, Educational Fee and Health Insurance Fee as well as provide a monthly stipend.
GSIs are responsible for various aspects of course instruction. GSIs hold regular office hours and may also be asked to proctor exams, make solution sets and grade homework problems. Larger classes have Readers who help the GSI with grading homework.
GSIs believe that being a teaching assistant is great preparation for the Qualifying Examination as both situations require good English skills and think accurately and spontaneously.
GSIs are paid automatically each month after their appoint has been submitted to the hiring unit.
For more information about applying to a GSI position, please see the GSI/Reader Information section.
10.2.2 Reader Appointments
Appointees to the Reader title are employed to render diverse services as course assistants, which will normally include the grading of student papers and examinations. Subject to assignment by the department, duties might also include attendance at lectures, office hours, consultation with the instructor, and other course-related duties. Readers may not perform teaching duties.
Readers are paid at an hourly rate and must turn in timecards each month to be paid. Time cards are usually due in the Financial Services Office, 6195 Etcheverry Hall by the 25th of each month to receive you paycheck on time the 15th of the following month.
For more information about applying to a Reader position, please see the GSI/Reader Information section.
10.2.3 GSI/Reader Appointment Paperwork
Hiring paperwork for those who have received official GSI/Reader position offers from the Vice-Chair of Instruction can be found under the GSI/Reader Forms section.