If Manufacturing represents the major of your PhD study, you should take at least 5 courses selected from a combination of the lists shown below. Of these, at least 3 courses must be from the Manufacturing Core list.
You must consult your Major Field Advisor if you are planning to include any of the courses listed in the emphasis areas as part of a non-Manufacturing minor that has common courses with the emphasis area (e.g. an emphasis in Design and a minor in Design or an emphasis in Geometric Modeling and a minor in Computer Science). You may not double-count courses towards both the major and the minor requirements.
Selection of other courses not listed can be done with the approval of the Major Field Advisor and the Vice Chair for Graduate Study. You should prepare a written justification of your selection.
If Manufacturing represents a minor of your PhD study, you should take at least 2 courses from the Manufacturing Core list.
Core Courses in Manufacturing
- Mech Eng 292G – Advanced Special Topics
- Mech Eng 101 – High Mix/Low Volume Manufacturing
- Mech Eng 122 – Processing of Materials in Manufacturing
- Mech Eng C201 (formerly 222) – Modeling and Simulation of Advanced Manufacturing Processes
- Mech Eng C202/Mat Sci C287 (formerly 287) – Computational Design of Multifunctional/Multiphysical Composite Materials
- Mech Eng 203 – Nanoscale Processing of Materials
- Mech Eng 220 – Precision Manufacturing
- Mech Eng 280A – Introduction to the Finite Element Method
- Mech Eng 280B – Finite Element Methods in Nonlinear Continua
- Mech Eng 287 – Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
- Mech Eng 290D – Solid Modeling
- Mech Eng 290I (formerly ENG 290C) – Sustainable Manufacturing>
- Mech Eng 290R – Topics in Manufacturing
- Comp Sci 274 – Computational Geometry
Courses in Manufacturing with Design Emphasis
- Mech Eng 228 – Computer-Aided, Optimal Mechanical Design
- Mech Eng 290 C – Human Centered Design Methods
- Mech Eng 290H – Green Product Development: Design for Sustainability
- Mech Eng 290P – New Product Development: Design Theory and Methods
Courses in Manufacturing with Solid Mechanics Emphasis
- Mech Eng 185 – Introduction to Continuum Mechanics
- Mech Eng 282 – Theory of Elasticity
- Mech Eng 286 – Theory of Plasticity
- Mech Eng 289 – Theory of Shells
Courses in Manufacturing with a Fluids Emphasis
- Mech Eng 260A – Advanced Fluid Mechanics I
- Mech Eng 260B – Advanced Fluid Mechanics II
Courses in Manufacturing with Materials Emphasis
- Mech Eng C223/Bio Eng C223 – Polymer Engineering
- Mech Eng 224 – Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials
- Mech Eng C225/Mat Sci C212 – Deformation and Fracture of Engineering Materials
- Mech Eng 226 – Tribology
- Mech Eng 227 – Mechanical Behavior of Composite Materials
Courses in Manufacturing with Geometric Modeling Emphasis
- Mech Eng C218/Electrical Eng C245 – Introduction to MEMS Design
- Mech Eng C219/Electrical Eng C246 – Parametric and Optimal Design of MEMS
- Mech Eng 281 – Methods of Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry
- Comp Sci 184 – Foundations of Computer Graphics
- Comp Sci 284 – Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Modeling
- Comp Sci 285 – Solid Free-Form Modeling and Fabrication
- Comp Sci 289 – Introduction to Machine Learning
Courses in Manufacturing with Other Emphases
- Mech Eng 219 – Introduction to Microelectromechanical Systems
- Mech Eng 251 – Heat Conduction
- Mech Eng 290G – Laser Processing and Diagnostics
- ENG 290G – International Trade and Competition in High Technology