ME Professor Tarek Zohdi has been appointed Member-At-Large by the U. S. National Academy of Sciences and the National Research Council of the U.S. National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics USNC/TAM. The USNC/TAM was established in 1949 to represent the United States in international scientific activities relating to the field of mechanics. It is the focal point for the U.S. engineering, scientific, and mathematical communities that have common interests in mechanics. The committee serves as the national forum for defining major issues in mechanics research, technology, and education suggesting strategies in areas of mutual concern and stimulating appropriate actions. This committee operates under the auspices of the Board on International Scientific Organizations BISO in the Policy and Global Affairs Division at the NRC. The USNC/TAM also represents the National Academy of Sciences as the U.S. adhering organization to the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics IUTAM, one of the 27 member unions of the International Council for Science ICSU. The IUTAM was formed in 1946 with the objective of creating a link between persons and national or international organizations engaged in scientific work theoretical or experimental in mechanics and related sciences. The United States is one of 50 countries that presently adhere to IUTAM.
Congratulations, Professor Zohdi!