ME undergrad Ankita Joshi, along with her fellow students Michelle Nie and Aubrey Larson, have teamed up to create Mak. The group formed Mak pronounced “make” with the mission to empower urban youth to become 3D designers and local innovators. The organization’s goal is to provide youth with the STEM and design skills they need to solve important problems facing their own communities. Mak connects high school students to UC Berkeley students through a 3D design training program, followed by a three month internship where high school students work on real-world projects outsourced by design companies and firms.
The group received initial funding for their project when they won First Place in the financial inclusion category of the 2016 Big Ideas contest at UC Berkeley. Currently, Mak is fundraising through Berkeley Crowdfunding to raise $5,000 which will be used to build a makerspace inside a public space in Oakland, and provide additional educational resources for students participating in their 3D Design program.
To help make their goal a reality, click HERE for their Berkeley Crowdfunding page and donate today!
UPDATE on 11/7/2016
Thank you to everyone who helped Ankita and her team mates – Michelle Nie Business, Aubrey Larson Public Health and Ashlee Horn Biomedical Engineering – achieve their goal of $5,000 for their Mak – STEM Education initiative! They received $5,295 – 105% of the goal. The funds will be used to build a makerspace inside a public space in Oakland and provide scholarships for students participating in this 3D Design and Art program.