2.2 Differences Between MechE Master’s Programs at UC Berkeley

5th Year MS Program M. Eng Standard MS Program*
Normative Time:  Two semesters Normative Time:  Two semesters Normative Time:  Three semesters
Coursework Only Coursework + Capstone Project Coursework + Research
Oral Exam Oral Exam Written Report + Presentation
Only current UCB MechEs can apply Anyone can apply Anyone can apply
Terminal Degree Terminal Degree Better prepares students for the PhD
No semester breaks between ugrad/grad program Breaks allowed Breaks allowed
Standard Academic Masters Fees apply** Professional Fees Apply** Standard Academic Masters Fees apply**
** https://registrar.berkeley.edu/tuition-fees-residency/tuition-fees/fee-schedule *This program will not be open for application in F18 (for admission in F19)