As a student in Mechanical Engineering, you have a number of advising options (in sequential order):
1. Your Advisor at the College of Engineering (COE)
For Freshmen, Sophomores and transfer students, your advisor at COE will be your best resource regarding courses and degree requirements. They are keepers of your academic record and the primary enforcers of COE’s academic policies. They are also your first stop if you wish to file a petition. Each individual student has an advisor at the College, and assignments are made alphabetically. If you are unsure of who your advisor is please refer to the Engineering Student Services website.
2. The ME Student Services Office in 6189/6193 Etcheverry Hall
This office should be your primary source of department-specific administrative information. If you are not sure if you should come here or go to the COE, you are always welcome to visit us. Our normal office hours are MTWF 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm, and Thu 1pm-4pm.
3. The Vice-Chair for Undergraduate Studies
The Vice-Chair handles all undergraduate student petitions and can serve as a liaison between students and their respective advisors as well as students and the ME Chair. They are also responsible for ME ugrad curriculum and heads the Committee on Undergraduate Study.
In rare instances when issues cannot be resolved by the Vice-Chair, the ME Chair may become involved.