Proposing a Decal
IMPORTANT: REQUIRED TRAINING for first time facilitators – training is now available online via zoom.
Please use the following website to learn more: https://slc.berkeley.
- A Course Proposal Form. The completed form should have the signature of the Lead Student Facilitator and Faculty Instructor of Record at the bottom, are accepting PDF signatures and documented email threads from faculty grant approval to attached pdf or word docx. Do not obtain the Department Chair’s signature. Please note that ME will only sponsor courses whose Instructor of Record is an ME Faculty Member or Instructor. Please refer to our Faculty List to check.
- A Detailed Syllabus. Starting now, all Decals must use this template. In addition to providing course details, the syllabus must address the following questions:
- What is the nature of the subject matter or content of the course? (Include a weekly schedule that shows topics, readings, and assignments for each week. A list of assigned readings is required, not optional.)
- What are the key learning outcomes? (What will students be expected to know or be able to do as a result of this course?)
- What are the methods of instruction (e.g., lecture, discussion, collaborative learning, etc.)?
- How will student performance be evaluated? (What will students be required to do to pass the class, and how much weight will each requirement have toward the final grade?)
- How will the instructor of record supervise the student course facilitator(s)?
- Has the student facilitator attended a UCFTR*/SLC* Start-Up Workshop? or taken a Craft of Facilitating course?
Tips on other things you may want to include can be found here.
- A Unit value/Workload Worksheet (click, review, complete). Please note that the number of weeks detailed in the weekly schedule must align with what you enter on this sheet. Discrepancies will not be accepted.
- Faculty Sponsor Letter of Support (click, review, complete). A letter of support from the instructor of record must be provided for each course the instructor is sponsoring. The letter should address the five questions explaining the role and relationship the instructor has with the course. The letter should be written on department letterhead and signed by the instructor of record. This is required for all student-facilitated course proposals starting spring 2018.
- At least one of the course facilitators must complete Undergraduate Course Facilitator Training (UCFTR) before submitting your paperwork. For dates on this, please see:
undergraduate-course- facilitator-training- resources-ucftr—make sure you read everything. -
Training Spring 2022 Schedule
Register via Google Form(link is external).
Wednesday, Apr 27, 2022 II 4-5:30 PM II Via Zoom
Thursday, May 5, 2022 II 2:30 – 4 PM II Via Zoom
Questions? Contact sends e-mail).
- Department Decal Form (IMPORTANT for scheduling – click, review, complete)
- Facilitator Hiring Data Form (required for all facilitators, fill out, see attachment)
In addition, prospective students should familiarize themselves with the information at:
Student Checklist: This document lists requirements for student facilitators
DeCal: Undergraduate student facilitators who wish to advertise their courses through DeCal should consult the DeCal website.
FAQ about Student-Facilitated Courses
Please refer your Faculty Sponsor/Instructor of Record to the Faculty FAQ
Additional information can be found at http://academic-senate.