Berkeley Wireless Research Center – An environment for research into the design issues necessary to support next generation wireless communication systems and expand the graduate research program in the wireless segment.
BSAC – Cooperative research center funded by the National Science Foundation and a consortium of corporations and government agencies. Develops sensors and miniature moving mechanical elements (MEMS) using advanced integrated circuit technology.
BNNI – The Berkeley Nanosciences and Nanoengineering Institute (BNNI) is the umbrella organization for expanding and coordinating Berkeley’s research and educational activities in nanoscale science and engineering.
Center for Entrepreneurship & Technology – CET is an academic center designed to promote entrepreneurial education and to foster new venture creation.
Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society – Centered at UC Berkeley, CITRIS incubates research on problems that have a major impact on the economy, quality of life, and future success of California: conserving energy; education; saving lives, property, and productivity in the wake of disasters; boosting transportation efficiency; advancing diagnosis and treatment of disease; and expanding business growth through much richer personalized information services.
Center for Scalable and Integrated Nanomanufacturing (SINAM) – Founded in 2003, SINAM brings together an exceptional team of scientists and engineers from University of California Los Angeles, University of California Berkeley, Stanford University, University of California San Diego, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and HP Labs. SINAM will work together with its academic and industrial partners to accelerate the development of nano technology innovations.
Center for Tissue BioEngineering – Dedicated to the discovery of engineering design principles for damaged tissue replacements (tissue engineering) and also for tools or environments which may negatively impact human tissues through poor design (ergonomics).
Consortium on Green Design and Manufacturing – CGDM was formed to encourage multi- disciplinary research and education on environmental management, design for environment, and pollution prevention issues in critical industries.
ERSO – ERSO (Engineering Research Support Organization) focuses on providing effective and efficient research administration, which allows the faculty to focus on developing the research enterprise rather than managing business services. Achieving this goal will be the key criterion that judges the success of ERSO.
ITS – The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, is one of the world’s leading centers for transportation research, education, and scholarship. It is home to a large, diverse, and continually changing community of people who are experts in all aspects of transportation.
Integrated Materials Laboratory – IML provides state-of-the-art facilities for innovative research in nano-structure growth, processing, and characterization.
PATH – Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways. California PATH was established in 1986. It is administered by the Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS), University of California, Berkeley, in collaboration with Caltrans. PATH is a multi-disciplinary program with staff, faculty and students from universities statewide, and cooperative projects with private industry, state and local agencies, and non-profit institutions.
XLab – Motivated by exciting discoveries in the theories, XLab aims to create a new generation of materials with properties that never existed naturally. Supported by unique micro- and nano-fabrication capabilities, the research has been focused on the development of promising applications in nano-manufacturing, nano-imaging, bio-sensing, as well as energy conversion.