Copy Services
Students may use the copy machine on the 6th floor for course support or research purposes (it is not available for personal use). Your faculty member must submit a memo to the Financial Assistant in 6195 Etcheverry requesting an account number. This account number is valid during the current semester only. Please remember that students are last in line in terms of priority for using the machine – after faculty, staff and visiting scholars.
Student Shop Safety Orientation
Before you can work in the machine shop, it is necessary for you to attend an orientation. This orientation is to familiarize you with various types of equipment within the machine shop. These orientations are given as group training sessions once or twice per semester by appointment. Contact the Safety Coordinator in 1168 Etcheverry to make an appointment. You are also required to take a Shop Safety Class from the Environmental Health & safety (EH&S) office prior to doing any research in any of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratories. These safety classes are usually given during the first 3 weeks of the Fall and Spring Semesters.