Center for Student Conduct & Community Standards
The Center for Student Conduct and Community Standards has an educational purpose in helping our community discuss and hold each other responsible for living up to the standards outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. We address behavior through a resolution process that reflects the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved. The Student Code of Conduct can be found here.
Course Catalog for UC Berkeley
Lists courses and department information for each department on campus. The Mechanical Engineering section of the catalog can be found at
Degrees Office
The Degrees staff monitors student progress from registration to graduation. Much useful information can be found on the Degrees Office web pages, including answers to frequently asked questions, policies, procedures, and almost all of the forms and applications that you might need. After consulting staff in your department, you can drop in or schedule an appointment in the Degrees Office to discuss specific academic or personal concerns such as readmission, the qualifying exam, advancement to candidacy, filing fee, probation, and eligibility for the Dean’s Normative Time Fellowship. Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations are filed in this office.
Degree Programs in ME
This page offers short descriptions of our degree offerings. For more detail on these degrees, please use this handbook.
Disabled Students’ Program
The Disabled Students’ Program (DSP) is committed to ensuring that all students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities at UC Berkeley. We offer a wide range of services for students with disabilities. These services are individually designed, and based on the specific needs of each student as identified by our Disability Specialists.
Division of Student Affairs
The mission of Student Affairs includes three strategic priorities: Access: Maintain access and affordability; provide opportunities for equity and excellence; Service: Improve and sustain cutting edge student services, making them more applicable to this generation of students; Engagement: Foster learning and leadership development, transforming students into engaged local, national, global citizens. Together these create the student experience and foster student success.
Electronic Communications Policy
This page contains regulations that pertain to all electronic communications on campus, including email.
ERSO (The Engineering Research Support Organization)
The Engineering Research Support Organization functions as a central hub, providing research administration support to all research centers, departments, and affiliated ORUs in the UC Berkeley College of Engineering. ERSO focuses on providing effective and efficient research administration, which allows the faculty to focus on developing and growing the research enterprise rather than managing business services. ERSO will maintain a customer-oriented operation, with appropriate levels of faculty and staff oversight to support a culture of continuous improvement.
Financial Aid Office
The Graduate and Professional Unit (GPU) of the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office (FASO) administers Federal Direct Student Loans for Berkeley graduate students as well as several smaller federal loan programs, and the Federal Work Study Program. Federal loans and work-study are limited to U.S. Citizens and permanent residents.
Graduate Division’s Website for Current Students
This contains information that you may find helpful during your graduate studies at Berkeley.
GSI, GSR, Reader or Tutor Information
For information regarding GSI and/or Reader positions in the department, please see the GSI/Reader Information section.
Graduate Division’s Student Life & Resources Page
International Office
Berkeley International Office’s mission is to enhance the academic experiences of international students and scholars by providing the highest levels of knowledge and expertise in advising, immigration services, advocacy, and programming to the UC Berkeley campus community.
Labor Relations
The University of California and the International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW) have agreed to a one year agreement which will be effective October 1, 2009 through September 30, 2010. This labor agreement will cover the Academic Student Employee Unit at the following campuses: Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Merced, Riverside, San Diego, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz.
Legal Services
The Attorney for Students advises currently registered Cal students regarding their legal questions, rights, and obligations. A student legal consultation might include (but is not limited to) one of the following examples: a landlord-tenant dispute, a citation for a criminal infraction or misdemeanor, filing an action in California Small Claims Court, questions related to credit card debt and/or collection actions, issues arising from a car accident or auto insurance, or questions about family law. Please note that Student Legal Services provides counsel and guidance only, and does not represent or advocate for individual students with regard to their potential legal claims or disputes. If your situation requires legal representation, the Attorney for Students will help refer you to appropriate resources. Student Legal Services counsel and guidance is limited to California law only.
MEGSCo (Mechanical Engineering Graduate Student Council)
MEGSCo is a group of ME grads who present student concerns to the faculty, provide relief from the monotony and stress of graduate school, and assist new students entering or prospectives considering the Berkeley Mechanical Engineering graduate program.
Office of the Registrar
Services from the Office of the Registrar support every currently registered student at UC Berkeley as well as all faculty and staff members who interact with those students. Specifically, we are responsible for: class enrollment and registration, fee assessment, verifying graduation, diplomas, preservation of student academic records and protection of their privacy, transcripts, maintenance of the schedule of classes, reservations for over 200 classrooms on campus, residency determinations, and assistance for special populations such as veterans.
OMBUDS Office for Students and Postdoctoral Appointees
The Ombuds Office can be your first step, your last resort, or anything in between. If you wish assistance sorting through a campus-related conflict or concern, please contact us. The Ombudsperson will listen to your concerns, serve as a sounding board, discuss your options with you, and help you get a new perspective and determine the next steps to take. The office is strictly confidential and no one will know you have spoken with us unless you wish them to. The only exception to this confidentiality is where there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm or danger.
Parents Network
This web site contains thousands of pages of recommendations and advice contributed by members of the Berkeley Parents Network, a parent-to-parent email network for the community of parents in the San Francisco Bay Area. Founded in 1993, the BPN is run by a group of volunteer parents in their “spare” time. We send out 10-12 email newsletters each week to 26,754 local parents. Many busy parents have taken the time to enlighten and inform us all with their suggestions, their wisdom, and their experience, archived here for all who need it. Please help yourself and use it in the spirit of sharing!
Student Code of Conduct
The University of California at Berkeley is a community of scholars committed to maintaining an environment that encourages personal and intellectual growth. It is a community with high standards and high expectations for those who choose to become a part of it, including established rules of conduct intended to foster behaviors that are consistent with a civil and educational setting. Members of the University community are expected to comply with all laws, University policies and campus regulations, conducting themselves in ways that support a scholarly environment. In this context, faculty are guided by The Faculty Code of Conduct, Section 015 of the Academic Personnel Manual, and students by the Berkeley Campus Code of Student Conduct, articulated here.
University Health Services (UHS)
University Health Services (UHS) provides comprehensive medical, mental health and health promotion services to all Cal students and a variety of occupational health services to faculty and staff. UHS also provides services to UC staff who choose UHS as their Health Net provider, and to staff at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley campus visiting scholars and spouses/domestic partners of Berkeley students may also use UHS on a fee-for-service basis.