If Dynamics represents the major of your PhD study, you should take at least 5 courses from the lists shown below. The two Dynamic Core courses will be required unless you have taken equivalent courses previously.
You must consult your Major Field Advisor if you are planning to include any of the courses listed in the emphasis areas as part of a non-dynamic minor that has common courses with the emphasis area (e.g. an emphasis in Dynamic Systems and a minor in Controls).
If Dynamics represents a minor of your PhD study, you should take at least two courses from the lists shown below. The two Dynamics Core courses will be required unless you have taken equivalent courses previously. In the event that you believe you have taken an equivalent course or courses, it is strongly recommended that you discuss your course options for the Dynamics minor with the Dynamics Major Field Advisor.
Selection of other courses not listed can be done with the approval of the Major Field Advisor and the Vice Chair for Graduate Study. You should prepare a written justification of your selection.
Core Courses in Dynamics
- Mech Eng 292D – Advanced Special Topics
- Mech Eng 175 – Intermediate Dynamics
- Mech Eng 273 – Oscillations in Linear Systems
- Mech Eng 290A – Nonlinear Dynamics of Continuous Systems
Courses in Dynamics with Dynamics Emphasis
- Mech Eng 136U/236 – Introduction to Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Mech Eng 170 – Engineering Mechanics III.
- Mech Eng 274 – Random Oscillations of Mechanical Systems
- Mech Eng 275 – Advanced Dynamics
- Mech Eng 277 – Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems
Courses in Dynamics with Dynamic Systems Emphasis
- Mech Eng C134 / Electrical Eng C128 – Feedback Control Systems
- Mech Eng 233 – Advanced Control Systems II
- Mech Eng 234 – Multivariable Control System Design
- Mech Eng 237 – Control of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
- Mech Eng 274 – Random Oscillations of Mechanical Systems
- Mech Eng 275 – Advanced Dynamics
- Mech Eng 277 – Oscillations in Nonlinear Systems
Courses in Dynamics with Other Application Emphases
- Mech Eng 173 – Fundamentals of Acoustics
- Mech Eng 230 – Real-Time Applications of Mini and Micro Computers
- Mech Eng 240A – Advanced Marine Structures I
- Mech Eng 279 – Statistical Mechanics of Elasticity (this course is cross listed with CE C235)
- Mech Eng 280A – Introduction to the Finite Element Method
- Mech Eng 283 – Wave Propagation in Elastic Media
- Mech Eng 288 – Theory of Elastic Stability