Full details can be found at http://grad.berkeley.edu/policy/registration-and-exchange-programs-policy/#d2-filing-fee
The Filing Fee is a reduced fee (one-half of the University Registration fee) for doctoral students who have completed all requirements for the degree except for filing the dissertation (Plans A and B) and presenting the Final Defense (Plan A). It is also available to master’s students with no requirements remaining except for filing the thesis (Plan I) or completing the final report and presentation (Plan II). The Filing Fee is not a form of registration nor is it equivalent to registration. If students wish to use university services that are supported by registration fees, they must pay those fees. Filing Fee is available for the fall and spring semesters only.
Eligibility requirements for the Filing Fee
To use the Filing Fee in a fall semester, the student must have been registered in the previous spring or summer and must be advanced to degree candidacy. Summer Sessions enrollment must be for a minimum of three units. To use the Filing Fee in spring, the student must have been registered in the previous fall. Filing Fee status is not available for Summer Sessions. However, students are permitted to file a thesis or dissertation while registered for Summer Sessions. Please note that a letter of support from the Head Graduate Adviser must accompany all Filing Fee applications.
Limitations on Filing Fee status
The Filing Fee may be used only once during a student’s career.
If a student does not complete the final degree requirements (filing the dissertation or thesis, or passing the final comprehensive exam) during the semester for which the Filing Fee is approved, the student must be readmitted and pay regular registration fees during the semester in which the requirements are completed. Readmission procedures can be found in Section 8.3.
Filing Fee status and academic student appointments
Students with academic appointments for which registration is required are not eligible for Filing Fee status. To hold an appointment, students must be appropriately registered and enrolled in at least 15 units unless advanced to doctoral candidacy.
Filing Fee status and international students
To avoid visa problems with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, international students must contact the Berkeley International Office well before the beginning of the semester during which they plan to use the Filing Fee. Filing fee status can satisfy the SEVIS requirement for international students only if the student has obtained the signature of the BIO student adviser (contact the Berkeley International Office (BIO).
Health insurance for students on Filing Fee
U.S. resident students may purchase Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) coverage for the semester they are on approved filing fee status if they have not already purchased SHIP during a period of withdrawal beyond one semester. UHS allows purchase of SHIP if a student is in a non-registered status for two semesters only, which pertains to both filing fee and withdrawal. For eligibility information and enrollment details, refer to the UHS website.
Summarization of Key Issues
- Filing may be used once for MS and once for PhD
- Students must be Advanced to Candidacy for either MS or PhD Degree before eligible
- Students may not take classes
- Students lose all UC Berkeley Building Access
- Students must pay for GSHIP, RSF, & library card, if they want to use these resources
- Students may not hold GSR or GSI appointment
- Students are not eligible to receive awards from departmentally restricted funds
- Students are not eligible to hold any university funding. University funds are any funds that are administered by the University such as contracts and grants, gifts and endowments, state, and federal funds. Funds at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) are not classified as University funds.
- While on Filing Fee, students may not take the Prelim Exam or Qualifying Exam
- Students may graduate while on filing fee
- Costs one-half of the University Registration Fee