ME Ph.D. student Angel Rodriguez, of the FLOW Lab, has won first place in the Great Minds in STEM Research Poster Competition for his poster titled, “X-ray Computed Tomography of Vertical Bubble Column.” The GMiS Research Poster Competition provides a premiere, national forum for traditionally underserved and underrepresented STEM undergraduate and graduate students to showcase their technical research talent. The competition challenges students to communicate their research with a balanced technical/lay audience perspective to stimulate interest in scientific and technical research. Therein, it increases public awareness of the relevance of STEM research and its benefits to society.
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 GMiS Research Poster Competition hosted 64 presentations, virtually from October 6 – 7, during the 2020 GMiS Conference. Students presented their abstract and poster before panels of judges, who evaluated the abstract and presentation on the merit of the research and the student’s technical knowledge.
The abstracts, posters, and videos of the presenters are available at the Research Posters Exhibit Hall located at Additionally, the Exhibit Hall showcases 43 posters from students, who are part of the Virtual Research Experience for Undergraduates (vREU) hosted by the Computing Alliance of Hispanic Serving Institutions (CAHSI). CAHSI vREU students held a separate competition.
Congratulations, Angel!