Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering
6163 Etcheverry HallUniversity of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-1740
(510) 642-3286
For more information see: Combustion Lab
Current Classes Taught
Professor J.-Y. Chen has near thirty years of experience on research of combustion processes after Ph.D. degree and two years of practical engineering with Boeing aircraft company. His research topics include air pollution, supersonic combustion, reduced reaction mechanisms, soot formation, flame extinction and re-ignition, applications of catalysts to combustion processes. Professor Chen earned his Ph.D. degree from Cornell University in 1985 with his thesis research on modeling of turbulent reacting flows. Since then, he has worked at Sandia National Laboratories Combustion Research Facility at Livermore as a senior scientist staff member for six years. During this period, he continued and expanded his numerical modeling work in many areas of turbulent reacting flows. This research included development of realistic chemical kinetics for Probability Density Function (PDF) methods, reduced reaction mechanisms, turbulent mixing models, and models for interactions between turbulence and chemical kinetics. These model developments have been applied to studies of combustion in supersonic flows, soot formation in turbulent flows, flame extinction and re-ignition, and NOx formation in turbulent flames. Many of these topics are related to gas turbine combustion. Professor Chen joined the faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of University of California, Berkeley, in the Fall of 1991. His current research focuses on combustion-generated pollutants in laminar and turbulent flames, catalyst combustion, multi-component droplet combustion, homogeneous charge ignition and GDI engines, and large eddy simulations of turbulent flows, reduced chemistry for transportation fuels, and microwave assisted combustion. Professor Chen has coauthored one textbook of combustion and some one hundred and twenty-four journal reviewed papers of various topics in combustion and fluid mechanics.
To view Professor Chen’s CV, please visit the Combustion Modeling Lab website.
Research Description:
Computational modeling of reactive systems, turbulent flows, combustion chemical kinetics.