
Kyriakos Komvopoulos

Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Email: kyriakos@me.berkeley.edu

Phone: (510) 642-2563

Office: 5143 Etcheverry Hall


Research Description:

Theoretical and numerical studies in nano/microscale contact mechanics, tribology, mechanical behavior of thin-film structures, deposition and characterization of ultrathin films by sputtering and filtered cathodic vacuum arc methods, stress analysis, fracture, and adhesion of dynamic microdevices, plasma-assisted surface modification of biopolymers, surface chemical functionalization for enhanced biocompatibility and cell activity, mechanotransduction effects at the single-cell and tissue levels, and electrospun fibrous scaffolds for tissue engineering.


To learn more about Professor Komvopoulos’ research, please click here.


To view a list of Professor Komvopoulos’ supervised current and past graduate students and visiting scholars, please click here.


To view a biographical sketch of Professor Komvopoulos, please click here.


To view the content of courses taught by Professor Komvopoulos, please click here.

Key Publications:

To view a list of Professor Komvopoulos’ publications, please click here.