WASHINGTON, D.C.—The U.S. Department of Energy today announced $18 million in funding for four cutting-edge projects that will help passenger vehicles operate more efficiently, reduce energy consumption, and contribute to the Biden Administration’s goal of reaching net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. This funding is part of Phase II of the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy’s (ARPA-E) …
Capstone Project Profile: The Future of Hauling – Autonomous Cargo Transporter
Reducing the amount of human error with repetitive tasks that may involve heavy loads can allow an improvement in operating efficiency and human safety, since humans are prone to injury and are required to work for a certain number of hours at a time. Our team is developing a universal platform that will be able …
Improving Urban Traffic Throughput with Vehicle Platooning
Before California sheltered in place, UC Berkeley and ITS researchers were out in traffic showing how forming vehicle platoons can dramatically improve urban traffic flow in Arcadia, CA. They recently published a paper(link is external) and video(link is external) on their research and demonstration. Funded by the National Science Foundation and DOT, Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) Chair Roberto …
UC Berkeley Team Advances Food Systems Research in New $20M NSF Center
A new research center funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) will aim to improve U.S. food systems to address such issues as pandemic-driven food system security and safety; improving crop yield, quality and nutrition; decreasing energy …
MPC Lab Members Win 2017 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award
ME PhD candidate Ashwin Carvalho and former PostDoc Stéphanie Lefévre, along with ME Professor Francesco Borrelli, have won the 2017 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Best Paper Award. The award, given by the IEEE Robotics Automation Society, recognizes the best paper published in the previous calendar year, and is judged on technical merit, originality, potential …
Team Led by ME Professor Francesco Borrelli Awarded $3 Million from US Department of Energy
A team led by ME Professor Francesco Borrelli has been awarded $3.33 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy ARPA-E. The funding will be used to develop an innovative Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain VD&PT control architecture based on a predictive and data-driven approach. The team, which also consists of …
ME Ph.D. Students Sarah Koehler and Negar Zahedi Mehr Win Best Paper Award
ME Ph.D. Students Sarah Koehler and Negar Zahedi Mehr have won the Best Paper Award at the 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. The conference is the annual flagship conference of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society and welcomes articles in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, dealing with new developments in …
Research on the Berkeley Autonomous Car Recognized by the US Secretary of Transportation
ME Professors Francesco Borrelli and Karl Hedrick, ME Ph.D. student Ashwin Carvalho, and Associate Director for Self-Driving Vehicle Development, Chan Kyu Lee, were in attendance for the US Department of Transportation’s DOT announcement of a new policy on Automated Vehicle Development. The group was invited by Anthony Foxx, the DOT’s Secretary of Transportation, to take …
ME Professor Francesco Borrelli Wins IFAC Industrial Achievement Award
The International Federation of Automatic Control IFAC Council has awarded ME Professor Francesco Borrelli the 2017 Industrial Achievement Award. The award will be presented to Professor Borrelli at the 20th IFAC World Congress in Toulouse, France for his “development and application of advanced control for automotive powertrains and the productization of the OnRAMP Design Suite.” …
ME Professor Francesco Borrelli Elevated to IEEE Fellow
ME Professor Francesco Borrelli has been elevated by the IEEE Board of Directors to IEEE Fellow, for his “contributions to the theory and applications of model predictive control.” Congratulations, Professor Borrelli!